-> Resume

> Hello, I'm Paul

A Product Leader in the making learning how to craft products that take us from zero to one, and a software developer building unicorn SaaS systems.

Ideas and experiences

February 04, 2024

Your users don’t care about tests, whether they are passing or failing. What creates value for them is a working system. Whether you have e2e or integration tests, you still need unit tests. They are for you the developer, you need them to fix the system and for refactoring.

April 17, 2022

We are living some of the most expensive but yet abundant times they've ever been. The middle class is struggling to stay afloat. It's time we get back to the fundamentals and learn to live better with money.

February 28, 2022

A list of 120+ books to read for a self taught MBA course. The list is inspired by Josh Kaufman's The personal MBA and the accompanying book list. Constantly updated.

February 14, 2022

Doing strategy is figuring out how to advance the organisation's interests. Don't confuse strategy with vision, mission, ambitions or inspirational leadership, these are virtues. Strategy is a coherent set of analyses, concepts, policies, arguments, and actions that respond to a high-stakes challenge.

December 15, 2021

The practice is an intentional act of service. It's work we set ourselves out to do. It's work directed by curiosity, generosity, and connection. Seth Godin lays out a user manual for creatives to get going and ship work that matters.

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